emily's web 1.0 nonsense 🤪 aka silliest website :3 but it's barely silly
hi, my name is emily and this is my web1.0 garbage dump. it includes my blog, as well as an assortment of miscellaneous content that will maybe function as a vague art project??
in case you don't know me, i do a lot of geoguessr, so expect me to talk about a whole lot of things related to google maps, as well as whatever random interests i happen to develop (i do that a lot).
everything here is handwritten html (and js), just like the "good old days". truth be told, as much as i actually enjoy working with modern tools, there is some charm to handmade websites. they are imperfect, they are worse to use, but i still love them more. this is my attempt at making one.
blog posts | uncategorised nonsense |
more blog posts | more uncategorised nonsense |